a 17 yo AI researcher & problem solver trying to make our world a better place using AI, BCI, neuroscience and other emerging technologies.
Organizations I've worked with or been part of
I have a passion for solving complex problems, I use my time trying to solve some of our world's most important issues
I love trying to push the boundaries of my knowledge and what currently exists to develop long term research projects
I really enjoy having interesting depth discussions about a wide area of subjects. I love understanding the other's person perspectives and learning through them. You will see I do ask a lot of good questions.
I love reading; ranging from research papers and sociology books to philosophy. It allows me to improve my world model and develop new ideas, perspectives and questions. I often share those by writing.
I consider knowledge sharing very important. I love to teach and expose ideas to people through, discussions, podcasts, articles and conferences. I think doing this at every scale is fundamental for humanity's progress
Even if you can read "France" on my passport, I consider myself as a global citizen. Whenever I can travel I love discovering new cultures, social interactions and models, ideas and people. It is a very nourishing activity for me.
Our recommendations could result in -7% of car emissions for people attending the event, 7M rupees for local NGOs, and 12M people aware.
Working to replicate and eventually improve state-of-the-art machine learning to measure Galaxie's metallicity (composition).
Learn more ->
Binary detector of the life life-threatening condition pneumothorax on X-ray chest scans
Hackathon project
Google award of the TKS innovate hackathon 2021.
Consulting Deck
This is the presentation deck of the multidimensional database concept that we proposed to the AI-drug startup BenchSci.
Check the deck here
In this article, I'm explaining what are artificial neural networks, their history, the new spiking neural networks, the fundamental differences between the human mind and current AIs, and the current overlooked problems and ideas of how we could solve them
I've trained a Resnet 18 CNN architecture on the famous MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification.
Beginning of the Synthesia concept in the TKS global hackathon 2022.
Check the deck here
In this article, I'm doing an in-depth analysis of the pretty secret NEON Samsung Compagnie, why if it holds its promise it would have a disruptive impact, what are the potential impact on society, and what it means as an industry trend.
I create a Breed-detector which is able to detect more than 37 different breeds of cats and dogs.
In this newsletter, I'm going more in depth about my AI project, the conference I attended, HRP explanation based on my discussions and more!
This is the first of a series of 2 newsletter updates of the crazy months I had. Through the explanation of the different problems that I tried to solve I'm giving a personal take on those problems and how they could be solved.
I Have worked on some other projects and the list keep getting longer! Check my complete portfolio here
With my good friend Neha Gajbhiye we are running the Creative Courage Podcast.
In Creative Courage you listen to interesting and thoughtful discussions featuring researchers, writers, entrepreneurs, and other interesting people. We talk here about the intersection of philosophy, technology & art which are creative outcomes of a courageous leap of faith in science, in future of humanity, and our shared togetherness.
I will update you on my latest project, thoughts and articles